Ganso Bomb

JUNGLE BOOOOMMMBBB!!!: STARDOM 5 Star Grand Prix 2018 Day Five

I would be remiss if I didn’t talk about the namesake move of this site making an appearance on Day Five. In the main event, which saw Kagetsu and Jungle Kyona go to a time-limit draw thus earning a single point apiece, Kyona lifted Kagetsu up for a powerbomb. Kagetsu fought against it which left her dangling in Kyona’s grips. Struggling to hang onto the squirming World of STARDOM Champion, Kyona dropped to her knees and brought Kagetsu down with her with a Ganso Bomb!

This used to be a Twitter embed. That site is run by nazi dumb fucks now, so I don't really care about embedding their content here anymore.

Of course, Kagetsu was able to survive the move and the two would fight until the bell rang on the other end of their battle. Ganso Bomb aside, Kagetsu and Kyona put it all out there in their quests to lead Red Stars Block. Post-match, Oedo Tai ran roughshod over JAN leaving them in a heap in the ring. Kyona and crew were able to recover to wrap up the show and build toward Kyona’s match with Utami the following day. Utami, too cool for school, balked at a handshake before walking away from the ring. JAN would lead the crowd in chants of “JUNGLE JUNGLE!” to send things home.

Saki Kashima and Momo Watanabe had a great match in the pre-main event slot with Momo coming out on top. Momo has one of my favorite, if not my absolute favorite, suplexes right now. I’d never actually seen it used until she pulled it out a few shows back and just learned the name of it via Twitter a couple of days ago. The Peach Sunrise is perhaps the only time a pump handle move has ever looked good, outside of Pentagon’s Penta Driver.

This used to be a Twitter embed. That site is run by nazi dumb fucks now, so I don't really care about embedding their content here anymore.

Against Saki, though, Momo would fall to a flash pin attempt for two points in Saki’s court. Momo brutalized her throughout most of the match and afterward Saki looked completely out of it but was eventually able to make her way to the back. Momo is an absolute beast!

This used to be a Twitter embed. That site is run by nazi dumb fucks now, so I don't really care about embedding their content here anymore.

I’ve completely come around on Nicole Savoy who is now having matches that I’m really enjoying. She held her own against Mayu Iwatani but fell to a crucifix pin to net Mayu two more points as the 5*GP trickles down to its final days. Utami was able to withstand Kimber Lee in a short match to pick up a win with a couple of STO takedowns followed with her Torture Rack into a Samoan Drop of sorts. This is a big win for Utami who just suffered her first loss in the tournament and needed to get back to her winning ways.

Jamie Hayter and Hazuki had a fun match that could have probably gone longer, especially with how short Utami/Kimber was. I’ve enjoyed both of these wrestlers in the tournament so far and I’m going to have to seek out more Hayter stuff once she wraps up this tour with STARDOM. Hazuki makes use of the Hazukistral to get a quick win over Hayter after avoiding a running knee-strike to the face.

This used to be a Twitter embed. That site is run by nazi dumb fucks now, so I don't really care about embedding their content here anymore.

Rachael Ellering racked up another set of points (unfortunately) by pinning Natsuko Tora with a fisherman spinebuster. I’m just tired of Ellering at this point. I’ve been bored with her offense for a while now, but the tantrums during her match with Konami really sealed the deal for me. If this is the last time she winds up on a STARDOM tour, I’ll be happy. In non-tournament matches, Kelly Klein defeated Ruaka and Leo Onozaki in a fun handicap matche while Natsu Sumire and the returning Hana Kimura put away the teams of Shiki Shibusawa and Tam Nakano and Konami and AZM. AZM booked it for Sumire before the bell to try and reclaim the Queen’s Quest flag stolen at the last show. Konami made a last-ditch effort to grab the flag after the match but was unsuccessful; Sumire cheesed it out of the arena and only return to attack Konami and AZM once more before stealing AZM’s mask to go along with the QQ flag.

This used to be a Twitter embed. That site is run by nazi dumb fucks now, so I don't really care about embedding their content here anymore.

That does it for Day Five! Day Six will see Utami and Kyona in a rematch of Utami’s debut; in their first encounter, the two went to a time-limit draw but Kyona will be looking to avoid a second draw in the tournament. Momo and Hazuki will clash in Blue Stars action while Jamie Hayter will look to pull a good match out of Kelly Klein. Until then, let’s check the standings!

Red Stars Block

  • Jungle Kyona: 7
  • Kagetsu: 7
  • Utami Hayashishita: 6
  • Rachael Ellering: 6
  • Konami: 4
  • Tam Nakano: 2
  • Kimber Lee: 2
  • Natsuko Tora: 0

This used to be a Twitter embed. That site is run by nazi dumb fucks now, so I don't really care about embedding their content here anymore.

Blue Stars Block

  • Nicole Savoy: 6
  • Momo Watanabe: 6
  • Mayu Iwatani: 6
  • Hazuki: 6
  • Kelly Klein: 4
  • Jamie Hayter: 4
  • Saki Kashima: 4
  • Natsu Sumire: 2

This used to be a Twitter embed. That site is run by nazi dumb fucks now, so I don't really care about embedding their content here anymore.

Catch up:

