Write Forever: It's Stiiiiiing(!)'s Final AEW Dynamite for February 28

As I type this, the winds are gusting at upwards of 50 MPH causing the trees to to bellow and the house to creak. Will I retain a solid internet connection throughout this entire episode? Only time will tell!
The winds outside of my house may be nothing compared to the winds of change facing AEW on the final Dynamite before Revolution. Will Hangman Adam Page be able to make it to the PPV at all? What does Wednesday hold for Sting on his last Dynamite as an active wrestler? Can Eddie Kingston keep Bryan Danielson from kicking any more of his friends or idols in the balls?
Let's find out the answers to those questions and maybe some more!
The Bad
Sometimes you need to know when to hang it up. Sometimes you need to know when it's several months past when you should have hung up the boots.
Chris Jericho, I'm afraid, may be washed
Chris Jericho has looked remarkably out of sorts in his last few matches. Maybe age is finally catching up with him at an exceedingly alarming rate, or maybe he's just having an off couple of months. Either way, this Jericho/Atlantis(ssssssssss) Jr match was a far cry from matches Jericho was having even a year ago.
I don't have much else to say about it – just not a very good match with a weird finish where Atlantis(ssssssssss) threw in the towel as his son was locked in the Walls of Jericho.
The In-Between
Despite great wrestling, some pacing issues brought down an otherwise very fun FTR/Eddie vs BCC trios match.
What a cool entrance from the BCC. Coming from around the corner down a long hallway makes for a neat visual, as simple as it is. Can't explain it! Just works!
Eddie Kingston has been working out with Cezar Bononi lately and while I don't think I ever want to see what a cursed Super Fit & Jacked Eddie Kingston looks like, I am intrigued by the possibility of an Eddie Kingston in the style of Dr. Death Steve Williams or someone similar.
When this match spilled out onto the floor and turned into a wild brawl throughout the commercial break (AEW+ on Triller FTW) it started to feel like one of those old Shield six-man matches from the first year or so of their run. I have such fond memories of those matches because they felt like something so unique in a WWE landscape where every match felt like a carbon copy of the one before it.
There was a frenetic energy and a wild pace to those matches that felt present during the few minutes these guys went balls to the wall in picture-in-picture.
Going into another break, Dax looked like he just barely kicked out of a clothesline from Claudio. I wouldn't be surprised if he was temporarily knocked at least a little bit loopy during this match. Everyone was moving fast and hitting hard almost the entire time.
On picture-in-picture commentary, Taz said "take your index finger and jam it right into that hole". Thought everyone should know that.
Things started to feel incredibly clunky when it broke down with all six men in the ring towards the end. Something just didn't really mesh with all of the BCC guys doing submissions or elbow strikes in unison or Eddie & FTR delivering chops in unison. It didn't ruin the entire match or anything, but it certainly felt like things got dragged to a bit of a screeching halt.
In the end, Danielson knocked Eddie out with the Busaiku knee and repeated stomps before slapping on the triangle choke for insult to injury. Going into Revolution, Eddie and FTR are behind the eight ball against the Blackpool Combat Club.
A fun match, but probably could have been trimmed a hair to help with a couple of the drops in energy in the last third of the match or so.
The Good
The build to Revolution is built on lies! And deceit! And cruelty! And some wrestling!
Lyingman Adam Page
I'm never a fan of big talking segments to open an episode of TV, but they kept this one short at about 10 minutes or so. With rumors swirling about ol Hanger's status for Revolution, Page informed us all that he would be unable to compete at the PPV.
Of course, this brought out Swerve Strickland and Samoa Joe for some back and forth pitter patter. As it looked like we were closing in on a Joe/Swerve singles match, Hangman attacked Swerve with a crutch to the horrified dismay of Excalibur on commentary.
So, at the end of all of the rumors we're getting the three-way we had originally been promised. A weird speed bump in the story but apparently necessary due to whatever may have kept Page out of the PPV. This also helps in the continuing effort to babyface Swerve Strickland and turn Hangman full heel.
This wasn't anything close to the level of Mark Henry's salmon suit retirement speech, but it was a nice little segment to add a little more intrigue to Sunday. I still maintain that we see Joe retain after putting Hangman away so that the title reign can continue a smidge longer before Swerve eventually takes the belt off of Joe.
A good International Title Match with some questionable interference
You think an Orange Cassidy/Nick Wayne match isn't going to make it into the "The Good" section? By the time I got to this match, I'd already had the wind flicker our power about for times. It started at the Chris Jericho promo, and I'm thinking Mother Nature (different from Mother Wayne) just didn't want me to have to watch a short yet bumbling promo.
Speaking of Mother Wayne, she looked like she was about as tall as Killswitch tonight. The heels on her boots didn't look gigantic but they were doing a little bit of lifting. I'm thankful Bryce ejected The Patriarchy from ringside because it was slightly distracting seeing her at ringside just looming in the background like one of those giants from Attack On Titan just waiting to destroy the arena.
Despite The Patriarchy being removed from ringside, it didn't stop the Undisputed Kingdom from showing up. I don't actually understand why! Roderick Strong has been hellbent on beating Orange Cassidy for the International Title, so why would they interfere and possibly give Nick Wayne the win? This has all seemed far more personal for Roddy than just winning a belt, but what do I know?
To no real surprise, Cassidy retained the title after some counter-interference from Trent & Rocky. Roddy got some post-match licks in heading into Revolution.
A fun match overall, but there's still more left in the tank between these two if they wrestle again in the future.
Two's Company, Stokely's A Crowd
The rise of Skye Blue continues! Since the heel turn, she's come into her own and stepped up her game quite a bit. Her entire persona in the ring has shifted not only from her character, but the way she holds herself and wrestles. It took a while to get to this heel turn, but it's paying dividends.
In the rubber match between Skye and Statlander, Skye grabbed the win with some interference from Julia Hart clocking Stat with the TBS Title. Did it have to be this way, though?
Moments before the end, Stokely Hathaway offered a chain to Stat as a means to finish Skye off for good. Stat refused, and the minor hesitation may have cost her.
Unlike with Willow, Stokely's interference has not been successful with Stat. Though clearly disappointed after the match, Stokely left alongside Stat and Willow but for how much longer will he tag along with the duo? Another small but fun beat in this ever-changing relationship between Stat, Willow, and Stokely.
Sting from the rafters. Fucking iconic. I never thought I'd see it happen again, yet here we are. An insane, ridiculously cool visual hampered only by the presence of melting dirtbag Ric Flair.
Wrapping Up
This wasn't as much a mixed bag as Collision, but still a teensy bit laggy at times. Some pacing in the FTR/Eddie vs BCC match hurt the overall quality of the bout, and Jericho/Atlantis Jr was rough.
I also never need to see anyone sell for Ric Flair's punches and chops ever again. Please, after Sunday, let him disappear from television (and AEW as a whole) forever.